Arch Pain on Foot: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Plan

The term arch pain on foot or arch strain refers to inflammation with or without burning sensation at the arch of the foot. Pain across the bottom of the foot at any point between the heel and therefore the ball of the foot is usually named arch pain. There are two arches in every foot- the longitudinal arch that runs the length of the foot and therefore the transverse arch that runs on the width. Pain within the arches of the foot usually results from injury or injury to the muscles, bones, or joints of the foot.

Arch Pain on Foot

Most arch pain in the foot is because of strain or inflammation of the plantar fascia. This condition is known as plantar fasciitis and is usually related to a heel spur. Causes will include plantar fasciitis, arthritis conditions, and trauma like sprains, strains, and broken bones. In most instances, arch pain in runners are very common and arch pain progresses from overuse, unsupportive shoes, weight gain, or sudden trauma.

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Arch Pain on Foot Symptoms

Symptoms of arch pain embody pain and tenderness on the bottom of the foot. The heel and arch pain might vary in severity. Other associated symptoms and signs rely on the precise nature of the injury or condition that’s inflicting the pain. These will embody swelling, redness, bleeding, or an inability to bear weight on the foot. If arch pain in the foot persists for a couple of days, see a foot and ankle specialist for treatment to prevent this condition from turning into worse.

What Causes Arch Pain on the Foot?

Many factors cause arch pain. The arches are the primary structures of the body that absorb and return force to and from the body to the outside world once we are on our feet. Once something happens to those structures, pain, and injury might result. A structural imbalance or an injury to the foot will usually be the direct cause. Direct force trauma, ligament sprains, muscle strains, poor biomechanical alignment, stress fractures, overuse, inflammatory arthritis or the tightness or lack of tightness of the joints within the foot might cause pain within the arch.

Structural problems usually refer to high or low arches or other abnormalities within the foot and encompassing the area. In each case, many factors trigger or irritate these issues, including- aging, overuse, weight gain, physical stress, and neurological conditions. However, most often the cause could be a common condition known as plantar fasciitis. Causes of pain within the foot’s arch include:

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a chronic condition of the plantar fascia and a typical reason behind heel pain. The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects the rear of the foot to the front. Plantar fasciitis is the most typical reason for arch pain and one amongst the most common orthopedic complaints reported. It is caused by inflammation, overuse, or injury to the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is the ligament that connects the front of your foot to your heel. We often see it in runners; However, it also can occur in normal individuals.

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If you have plantar fasciitis, you will feel pain and stiffness within the heel and arch. Pain is usually worse upon awakening and becomes a lot of pain once prolonged standing or activities where you’re on your feet. If you often experience plantar fasciitis, you will need to wear a supportive shoe or get inserts to provide further comfort and support to your foot. Stretches also can facilitate pain relief from plantar fasciitis.


Overpronation refers to how an individual’s foot moves while walking, running, or jogging.
An individual who overpronates touches the ground with the outer portion of the heel first. As the person completes the step, the foot rolls too much onto the arch. The additional pressure causes the arch to flatten.

Long-term, overpronation will harm the tendons, muscles, and ligaments. This harm will cause pain within the arch, knee, hip, or back. It should additionally cause hammertoe and calluses.
If you overpronate, you will need stability shoes. These shoes facilitate correcting your step once you walk. Inserts may additionally help. Support will embody stability shoes and prescription arch supports. Exercises and stretches may additionally help.

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Cavus Foot

Cavus foot is an anatomical abnormality that produces a high arch. Causes of cavus foot include- genetics, stroke, cerebral palsy, and Charcot-Marie-tooth disease

If someone encompasses a cavus foot, they’ll feel pain once walking or standing. They’ll even have reduced stability, which might cause ankle sprains and injuries.

A person might have other problems related to cavus foot, including-claw toe, hammertoe, and calluses.

People with a cavus foot will consider support shoes or inserts to assist stabilize their feet and avoid pain and injury.

Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction

The posterior tibial tendon connects one of the calf muscles to the inner part of the foot. Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD) happens once this tendon is harmed or inflamed. If the posterior tibial tendon cannot support the arch, someone might feel pain there.

With PTTD, arch pain will probably increase along the back of the calf and the inner aspect of the ankle. You will even have ankle swelling. Pain generally happens during activities, like running, not afterward.

You may have to be compelled to wear an ankle brace or custom shoe insert to treat PTTD. Physiotherapy may additionally help. In rare cases, you will need surgery to treat the condition.

Flat Feet

Flat feet will occur in kids or adults. Most times, flat feet cause no problems; however, they will also cause an individual to experience pain within the arch, other areas of the foot, legs, ankles, and back.

A person might not notice that they have flat feet until symptoms occur. A doctor might suggest using supportive shoes or inserts to assist provide extra support for the arch.

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Arch pain may have a range of different causes. Correct analysis and diagnosis of arch pain are essential in coming up with treatment. A good general guideline is to check the hurt side to the uninjured side. The injury could take place as a distinguishable lump, a gap felt at that location or feeling tenderness caused by inflammation.

The type, causes, and severity of pain are also sensitive indicators of the severity of the injury. Four grades can describe arch pain:

  • Arch pain throughout activity only (arch pain when running, walking, standing)
  • Pain before and after activity and not disturbing performance (arch pain before/after running, activity or walking)
  • Pain on the arch before, during, and after vigorous activity affects performance
  • The pain therefore severe and practice is not possible.

Diagnosis of Arch Pain on Foot

In most cases, it needs a simple clinical examination. Your doctor might suggest an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in the feet and ankles or a podiatrist who is a foot specialist. Your physician will check your medical record and conduct a physical examination to figure out the underlying issue of your pain. Typically, it’s necessary to have the person walk up and down to investigate what happens throughout weight-bearing.

Your doctor also will seek any signs of inflammation like redness or swelling. Your doctor also checks reflexes, coordination, balance, and muscle tone.

It is less common for foot issues to need blood tests or imaging (X-ray, CT scans, Ultrasound, and MRI Scans) to make a diagnosis. Once your physician determines the underlying reason for the pain, they’ll recommend treatments that specifically target the underlying cause and help ease pain.

Arch Pain Foot Treatment

Arch pain in the foot is a common foot condition that will be simply treated. If you experience arch pain, avoid high-heeled shoes. Try to select footwear with an affordable heel, soft leather uppers, shock-absorbing soles, and removable foot insoles. Once the arch pain is pronation related (flat feet), an orthotic produced medial heel position insoles for arch pain and correct arch support for treating the arch of foot pain. This orthotic can manage over-pronation, support the arch and provide relief.

Home Remedies and Stretches for Arch Pain Foot

While undergoing treatment, an individual should still think about home remedies and stretches to assist ease the pain. An individual mustn’t try these if a doctor advises them to not move the foot. Sometimes, home remedies might have to be used with medical treatment.

Some Home Remedies Include:

  • You will rest or considerably reduce doing any activity that aggravates the arch pain.
  • Apply an ice pack wrapped in a piece of fabric to the arch and different tender areas to help reduce swelling.
  • Wearing socks and avoiding running/walking around in bare feet.
  • Using support such as thinking about using cushions, inserts, and support shoes.
  • Ask your doctor regarding splinting the foot at nighttime to assist keep it supported while sleeping.
  • You can try over-the-counter pain relievers, like a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Also, there are a couple of different techniques someone will do to assist ease pain and build the arch less at risk of injury. These include:

Arch Pain Stretches

Foot Stretch

Plantar Fascia Stretch: Sit in a chair and cross the harmed foot over the knee of your other leg. Place your fingers over the bottom of your toes and pull them back toward your shin until you are feeling a snug stretch in the arch of your foot. Hold 20 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Calf Stretch

Standing Calf Stretch: Stand facing a wall along with your hands on the wall at concerning eye level. Keep your harmed leg back along with your heel on the ground. Keep the opposite leg forward with the knee bent. Turn your back foot slightly inward. Slowly lean into the wall until you are feeling a stretch within the back of your calf. Hold the stretch for 20 to 25 seconds. Come back to the beginning position. Repeat 5 times. Try this exercise several times daily.

Arch Pain Stretches

Towel Stretch

Sit on the ground along with your harmed leg extended in front of you. Loop a towel around your toes and therefore the ball of your foot and pull the towel toward your body keeping your leg straight. Hold this position for 20 to 25 seconds and then relax. Repeat these stretch 5 times.

Roller Foot Massage

A person will use a tiny low ball or foam roller to perform a massaging stretch on the foot. This method is best to do while sitting. Roll your bare injured foot back and forth from your heel to your mid-arch over a frozen juice can. Repeat these 4 to 6 minutes. Arch pain in the morning is very common, particularly in the first step on the ground. This exercise is helpful if they do it in the morning.

Heel Raise

Stand behind a chair with both feet flat on the ground. You can use a chair as a support stand up on your toes and hold it for 8 seconds. Then slowly lower yourself down while not holding onto the support. Once this exercise becomes less painful for you, attempt to do this exercise while you’re standing on the harmed leg only. Repeat 10 times. Do 3 sets of 10. You can rest for 40 seconds between sets.

Try Over-The-Counter (OTC) Remedies

Over-the-counter arch supports and supportive shoes could facilitate and reduce pain and forestall injury. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen, may additionally facilitate reducing inflammation and pain.

Avoid Unsupportive Footwear

Arch pain from shoes such as walking barefoot or wearing unsupportive shoes, like flip-flops, could irritate pain and create your condition worse. If you usually go barefoot around the house, think about getting supportive shoes for arch pain that you will wear around the house instead.
A doctor could recommend physiotherapy if home treatment doesn’t relieve pain.

Sometimes, home treatments and stretching don’t seem to be enough to ease the pain. If this is the case, a doctor or podiatrist could recommend:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Night splints
  • Braces
  • Casts
  • Cortisone injections
  • Prescription pain relievers (a prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug)
  • Prescription orthotics, support shoes, or inserts
  • Surgery

Arch Pain on Foot Recovery Time

The time to recover depends on the underlying reason behind your arch pain. It should take 3–12 months to recover from conditions like arch pain from plantar fasciitis, even with treatment. If surgery is necessary, it should take a year once the surgery to get back to normal. It should be necessary to wear a cast or walking boots for weeks or months. If your doctor prescribes orthotics, you’ll wear them indefinitely.

Preventing Arch Pain on the Foot

Many of the house remedies for arch pain may facilitate the prevention of the arch of foot pain.

  • Wear supportive shoes with shoe inserts or arch supports, and avoid going barefoot or wearing unsupportive shoes, like flip-flops. Wearing unsupportive footwear on arduous surfaces for prolonged periods creates several of conditions that cause arch pain.
  • Begin a daily regime of stretching exercises. Stretching your calves and therefore the rest of your legs will facilitate your feet, too, thus don’t forget to include these areas. Invest in anti-fatigue mats. If you frequently stand in the same spot for extended periods, these mats will facilitate your risk for foot pain. Think about putting one on the ground in front of your kitchen sink if you pay a lot of your time doing dishes. If you’ve got a standing desk, get one for work, too.

Final Outline

Arch pain is a common problem, particularly among athletes. Most times, an individual will stretch, rest, and ice the arch of their foot until the pain goes away.

Problems with the arch of the foot may cause pain in several parts of the body, and the ankle, heel, legs, knee, and back. It’s essential to treat the problem early to make sure that foot issues don’t cause back or knee injuries. It’s necessary to check with your doctor and start treatment if the arch pain persists for more than a couple of days.